DescriptionThe map with the course remains at the start point. The runner has a blank sheet of paper. He draws the elements that are useful to find the controls, without forgetting to draw the North, the number and definition of each control. The purpose of the exercce is to learn to select the important elements that will help us to find the controls.
To simplify, give to the runner the course without the map. The locations of the controls are already indicated making the drawing easier
- This exo can be used as a put out/ put down exercice. A runner puts out a control with a map. When he comes back, he puts down his map, does not look at it anymore and draws on a paper the route to find the control. He gives the paper to another runner, who should put down the control. Laugh, endless discussions or shouting are guaranteed… you have to use the elements selected (and drawnn) by another person!
Highly instructive
Nathalie Rauturier