White map

Carte blancheThis exercise gives you the opportunity to work on accurate bearing and distance evaluation.

The exercise can be done as a circuit, but it may be wise to have a spare map in your pocket.

You can add false controls to check the precision of your bearing: either false because not exactly the right angle, or false because not at the right distanceCarte blanche avec faux

You should plan situations that you can face during a race, so there is no point in working out precise bearings of more than 200m.

Be careful not to forget to mention the scale of the map.

Nathalie Rauturier et Christine Verdeil

White as snow

floconWith this exercise, bearing precision is essential. Blank areas should not be avoided, it should make you aware that you do not need to read everything on a map.

They are endless:

  • you can do the exercise with Easter bells, with the club mascot…
  • you can use a white colour that is not totally opaque
  • you can change the size and number of stars to make it easier
  • you can also change the pattern…10498316_10155157117450541_4958623083587509574_o

It’s nice. But how can we do that ?

Steps with OCAD
– In OCAD course setting , create a colour purple (just below the course setting purple in the colour order, for the edge of the stars), colour white (just below purple in the colour order, for the inside of the stars) and blue (first in the colour order, to draw the north lines above the stars).
– Create a purple line symbol and a white surface symbol
– Find a jpeg model of a snow star on internet, put it as a template for the map
– Draw around the star with the purple line symbol
– copy/paste the resulting symbol as many times as necessary, place the stars where you want
– plan the course, adjust the placement of the stars if necessary
– fill the stars with the white area
– redraw the north lines, if necessary
– set up the page lay out

Simon LEROY (carte LAUVCO)O


BulloscoreIt’s just a score event, with some controls that can only be found by accurate bearings. Bearings can be made from different points.

The score event can be replaced by a classic course, with some “bubbles”.

I prefer score event for training sessions, to avoid follow-up 

Nathalie Rauturier

North stories


boussole débutant

The target is to learn to orientate your map with only the compass. Draw a course on paths only and put a control at each intersection.
Make a blank map and extract each leg. At each control, the runner uses the compass to orientate his map and to know which path he should take. 

boussole debutant droit


  • boussole debutantTurn the leg extracts so that North is not always at the top of the sheet. The orientation of the map cannot be done with the route just taken
  • BOUSSOLEFollow the route alltogether. Stop in the middle of a path at each change of direction and ask which path you are on (A, B, C, D or E)


Nathalie Rauturier

Labyrinth map

DescriptionLabyrinth'O chp garnier.Labyrinth'O
It is an exercise similar to the corridor one. The purpose is to complete the course without ever passing through the white zones. 
You need to be accurate with your compass and to keep contact with the map nearly all the time.

You can have wider zones or smaller

This exercice is for expert orienteers!

Antoine Stéphany et Nathalie Rauturier


Parcours avec des cônesDescription
A cone is cut out along the red line between two controls. The exercise targets the use of the compass out of the control. Depending on the leg, the runner may have to use accurate as well as rough compass bearing. The technical level will vary depending on the terrain.

You can time the exercice to add physical commitment.


Benoit Rauturier